Segmenting for High-Value Customers in Klaviyo to Level Up Your Email Program

Segmenting your customer base effectively is key to optimizing any email marketing program. By identifying and targeting high-value customers through strategic segmentation, you can elevate your email program to new heights. Utilizing measurable KPIs, Klaviyo – one of Revel’s email partners – empowers marketers to pinpoint those customers who contribute most to your business's success. This approach not only enhances personalization but also boosts engagement. In this blog post, we’ll discuss four ways to target your most valuable customers, how to set up the segment in Klaviyo, and what content might resonate best with these audiences. 

High AOV 

Customers with high AOV (average order value) are valuable buyers. To target these users, first calculate your average AOV using an analytics tool or shopping data. Then, to create a segment of these customers, option 1 is to use the Klaviyo predictive analytic for Average Order Value, as shown below. 

Another option is to use your integrated e-Commerce tool data (in the below example, Shopify) to set an AOV and then create a segment of users that surpassed that in the last X amount of days to then remarket them. 

High LTV (Big Spenders) 

High Lifetime Value (LTV) customers are where you can build off of customers you already know are loyal and known to spend a lot. First, determine what your average LTV is for your current customer base. You can then set up a segment like the below using e-Commerce revenue data to find customers who exceed your average customer LTV. 

Repeat Purchasers 

Encourage further engagement from customers who have recently purchased multiple times by targeting users who have placed an order over the average amount of times within recent history. See below using the Shopify ‘Placed Order’ action to create this segment. 

Low-Value Exclusions 

Exclude low-value customers from your campaign segmentation to drive higher engagement in your campaigns and zero in on your most valuable audiences. Create a segment like the below to focus in on your most engaged audiences. 


Use any of these segments to: 

  • Send new product releases

  • Reward them with early access or exclusive discounts

  • Message higher price point product lines

  • Encourage loyalty

You can also leverage these segments in paid media (like Meta or Google) to focus your targeting on high-value customers, or use to build lookalikes off of, if large enough. Learn more about creating a Klaviyo-connected audience in Meta and Google in the Klaviyo help center, or reach out to your Revel team to create a tailored strategy for your brand! 

Photo: © marchmeena29 from Getty Images