Mastering YouTube Campaigns for Your Business Needs

Video is finally having its mainstream moment after being hyped up for years and clients are having to jump into the pool headfirst instead of dip their toes and dabble if they want to thrive. Feeling a bit overwhelmed already? Don’t worry, Revel Interactive has you covered from what type of YouTube campaigns there are and some of what we like to call best use cases for each.


Video Views: The Star of the Show

What is it? Video Views campaigns are designed to get those eyeballs on your ads. You only pay when someone chooses to watch your ad, making every penny count. Ad types include skippable in-stream, in-feed, and the ever-popular Shorts ads.

Use Case: Imagine you're launching a new product and want to create a buzz. Video Views campaigns are your best friend. Reach the most people likely to interact with your brand and watch your engagement soar. It's perfect for brand awareness and getting your name out there.


Efficient Reach: Bang for Your Buck

What is it? Efficient Reach campaigns are all about maximizing your reach without maxing out your budget. These campaigns use bumper ads, skippable in-stream, in-feed, and Shorts to spread your message far and wide.

Use Case: Got a limited budget but big goals? Efficient Reach is your go-to. Whether you're promoting a seasonal sale or a limited-time offer, this campaign ensures you reach the largest audience for the lowest cost. Talk about a win-win!


Target Frequency: Repetition is Key

What is it? With Target Frequency campaigns, you can set a weekly target for how often your ads are shown to the same individual. Ad types include skippable in-stream, non-skippable in-stream, and bumper ads.

Use Case: Ever heard that people need to see an ad multiple times before it sticks? This is your secret weapon for improving brand recall. Perfect for reinforcing your message during crucial periods, like before a big product launch or event.


Non-Skippable: No Escape

What is it? Non-Skippable campaigns force viewers to watch your ad in its entirety—up to 15 seconds. These are in-stream ads that demand attention.

Use Case: Need to educate your audience about a new product or ensure they get your full message? Non-Skippable ads are ideal for product education and maximizing visibility. Think of it as your "must-see" TV spot.


Drive Conversions: The Closer

What is it? Drive Conversions campaigns focus on getting your audience to take action. These ads target people most likely to convert, whether that's making a purchase, signing up, or any other goal.

Use Case: Ready to turn interest into action? Use Drive Conversions to boost your return on ad spend (ROAS). Perfect for retargeting campaigns, special promotions, or any time you want to see direct results.


Ad Sequence: Storytime

What is it? Ad Sequence campaigns let you tell a story through a series of ads. You can use skippable in-stream ads, in-stream ads, bumper ads, or a mix to create a narrative.

Use Case: Ideal for B2B, high-ticket items, or audience education, Ad Sequence campaigns help you build a compelling narrative. Whether you're explaining a complex product or nurturing leads, this format keeps your audience engaged from start to finish.


Audio: Listen Up

What is it? Audio campaigns are all about reaching audiences through their ears with audio-only ads on YouTube. Perfect for when your audience is on the go.

Use Case: Want to expand your reach beyond visual formats? Audio ads are great for capturing attention during commutes, workouts, or any time viewers are more likely to be listening than watching. It's a fantastic way to keep your brand top-of-mind.


Whether you're aiming for massive reach, boost brand awareness, driving conversions, or crafting a compelling story, there's a YouTube campaign type that fits your needs. And remember, Revel Interactive is always your partner on this journey, reach out with any questions!

Photo: ©Susannah Townsend