Audience and Creative Segmentation During a Promotion

Q4 will inevitably bring more potential for key sales while also driving up competition on Meta in a big way. Capitalizing on peak shopping times is critical for any brand but knowing where to invest can be a challenge.  For social campaigns, we are constantly battling refreshing creative and audiences with Learning phases. And going into Q4 it can be even more challenging to know how to strike the right balance between keeping things fresh and letting the algorithm do its thing. 

To help inform this we took a look at some strategies our clients have used for sales so far this year. 

VIP Early Access: 

If you have the data available, running a “VIP” audience with early access language and a discount code to email subscribers can help ramp up the sale period. By opening up the sale early to a qualified list of users, we can start to build momentum early on during a sale period.  

Last Day Language

Creating urgency to purchase by using verbiage like “Limited Time”, “Only Through….”, “Last Chance”, or “Last Day” can help boost conversion and drive increased revenue toward the end of the sale. Recently we have seen clients capitalize on this phenomenon by leveraging urgency and last day messaging on the second to last day of their promotion period. 

Extended Language: 

Similar to last-day language, by swapping ads during a major sale on the last day with messaging around “extended sale” periods, we can drive a sense of urgency that boosts conversion rates and drives higher revenue. By doing this, our clients have seen a substantial lift of their revenue come from the “extended sale” ads during a 5-day sale. 

Now that we have several tactics to leverage during sale periods, how do we swap out ads multiple times during a sale and not get stuck in learning? A couple of questions to keep in mind when determining which of these strategies would work best for you:

  1. Is the discount on this sale motivating enough to help boost overall revenue for the month? 

    1. Without the right discount, especially if running in tandem with competitive sales, investing so heavily into sale-specific ads may not be warranted. Save these strategies for a few key moments throughout the year so that we don’t seem overly promotional. 

  2. Is there a list of people that we want to open the sale to first?

    1. Consider your qualified newsletter list, past purchasers, VIP shoppers, SMS subscribers, etc.

  3. Can we build the right creative for these strategies to be effective? 

    1. Even if the audience and offer are right, fitting imagery and copy are needed for these strategies to be effective. 

If we are able to strategize well enough in advance to leverage the right offer with corresponding copy and images that emphasize our campaigns, then the strategies listed above may be right for your next sale or marketing campaign! 

Photo: ©mediaphotos