Revel's Guide to the 2023 Holiday Season


Hello Clients, Friends and Revel Family,

Welcome to this year’s edition of our Holiday deck! This is an annual tradition that has become a rhythm that summer is at its end and we’re moving into fall and the ever-busy Q4 season! We endeavor to gather the best of what to expect for the upcoming Q4 shopping season, some predictions, some hard facts, in bite-sized shares so it’s easy to digest - like your favorite holiday cookie.

This year has been a bit strange - our normal sources were out late or simply lacking - likely because of the economic environment and everyone wondering what to expect this season. There is a bigger “question mark” looming over us than past years, in our post-covid-but-living-with-covid world.

For this reason, this year’s theme is “nostalgia.” What a better time than the craziness of Q4, especially one where there may be looming unexpected twists and turns, (amidst a campaigning year no less), to focus on feel-good memories, holiday happiness, and remind us that we’re all in this together!

We hope you enjoy. Consider sharing your best holiday memory and a nostalgic picture with us! And as always, reach out if you have any questions or we can help you!


Photo: ©Aleksandr Kichigin